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Andorran schools and education system

andorran schools and educational systems

Who are the 3 educational systems of Andorra?

The Andorran education system is as peculiar as the same country. Despite being a small country, it has three, and we could even say four different education systems: The Spanish system, the French system, the Andorran system and the last one to be added, the English system. This is due to the historical coexistence of residents from neighboring countries: Spain and France, which after being governed for decades by imported systems from both the north and the south, Andorra incorporated its own education system in the early eighties: The Andorran School. In recent years, the latest addition has been the British system, led by The British College of Andorra, which teaches subjects in the world's dominant language: English.

All this is due to the geographical location of the Principality of Andorra, as the influence of the border countries plus the reception of thousands of tourists from around the world, practically forces Andorran residents to know the most used languages such as to investment for the development of the country. In addition, as a snow tourist destination, the Andorran system includes the curricular subject of skiing as a compulsory subject fully subsidized by the state.

andorran education

At what points do the three education systems coincide?

  • The competencies fall to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport.
  • They are governed by Andorra law with conventions with Spain, France and Portugal.
  • Mandatory education is between 6 and 16 years old.
  • Families may choose to school children from the age of 3 (Maternal Education) and up to the age of 18 (Bachiat or FP)
  • Systems are free, except in private centers.
  • They have school transportation facilitated by the Government of Andorra.
  • They have skiing as a compulsory curricular matter, known as "school skiing".

How is the Andorran education system structured?

Although it is broadly assimilated into the Spanish system, it includes aspects focused on the country's idiosyncrasy in aspects such as identity, values, culture, geography, history and institutions of Andorra.

The Andorran system offers centers of maternal and first-class education in all parishes in the country, second-class centers in Encamp, Ordino and Santa Coloma, and Baccalaureate in Andorra la Vella.

All of them, together, form what is called the Andorrana School and, obviously, the vehiculating language is Catalan, although they combine teaching in French.

How is the Spanish education system structured?

It depends on the Spanish Ministry of Education and has been operating in the Principality since 1993. The collective program is based on the promotion of Spanish language, culture, history and geography, and the teaching in Catalan (official language of Andorra) and Spanish and French as vehicular languages in various subjects. The educational centers that teach the Spanish system are: the Maria Janer College, which includes mother and primary of the Spanish School and the Spanish Institute, funded by the Government of Spain and is secular. In addition, the Mare Janer School, the Colegio Sant Ermengol and the Sagrada Família School, all three denominations and subsidized by the Government of Andorra, are located in the Spanish system. Finally, the Pirineu Private College, Agora International School, which despite following the Spanish system, still taught for an international projection, emphasizing the use of the English language.

How is the French education system structured?

Since 2004, Andorra has enjoyed a convention between the Government of the Principality and the Government of the French Republic, based on a signed agreement providing for absolute funding by the French state. Obviously, it follows the French curriculum and everything is taught in that language.

As far as available centers are concerned, these are in the three possible cycles: maternal, primary and secondary. We have two maternal and elementary centres located in Andorra la Vella and Escaldes-Engordany and seven primary education colleges in Encamp, Santa Coloma, Sant Julià de Loria, la Massana, Ordino, Canillo and Pas de la Casa. Among them, the Lycée Comte de Foix, located at a very central point in the capital.

Agora Andorra International and the latest addition: The British College of Andorra

Founded in 1999, the Agora Andorra became the first private school in Andorra, with the aim of offering the Andorran families and the new arrivals a mixed education system. In 2017, it opened the gates to internationalization and was renamed Agora Andorra Interantional School.

The curricular system is based on multilingual education, beyond English vehiculation, students develop in three main languages: Spanish, English, and French. Catalan, the official language of Andorra, is also taught in the school.

The British College of Andorra

In addition, with the opening of the country in many areas, the arrival of foreign investment and new residents from different countries around the world, Andorra completes its education system with The British College of Andorra. The British School teaches from the British National Curriculum with English language immersion from the pupil's 3 years with a fidelization to university access.

End of track: The University of Andorra

The educational pathway enjoyed by pupils from schools located in the Principality of Andorra is considered one of the best systems in the world. They offer the possibility of access to any university in the world with the guarantees intended. However, for those pupils whose intention is to complete their training in the small Pyrenees country, they have the option of completing their studies at the University of Andorra (Ud'A).

Unpaid in 1997, despite offering few exits due to youth, its evolution has been very rapid. This fact has been prompted by its international opening, as evidenced by the data published by the AQUA (Higher Education Quality Agency) showing that more than 90% of graduates find work before finishing their career or during the first month of search.


Regarding the degrees offered by Ud'A, they are divided into: Administration and Management of Businesses, Humanities, Law, Nursing, Computing, Magistery, Communication and Language. Of these, the first four are offered in an eye, while the remaining four are virtual and in collaboration with other universities. It also has several masters and other postgraduates.

However, if your intention is to move with the family to live in Andorra, the academic part is more than well resolved, because the choices to be made are varied and of quality. Andorra's attractiveness goes beyond the possibilities and fiscal and business advantages or charms of its territory, because such an essential factor as children's education is, and will be, a priority for families and the country.



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